Create Certificate chain and sign certificates using Openssl

  1. Generate Root Certificate key.
    openssl genrsa –out RootCA.key 4096
    1-Create RootCA Key

  2. Generate Root certificate.
    openssl req –new –x509 –days 1826 –key RootCA.key –out RootCA.crt
    2-Create RootCA Certificate

  3. Generate Intermediate CA certificate key
    openssl genrsa –out IntermediateCA.key 4096
    3-Create IntermediateCA Key

  4. Generate Intermediate CA CSR.
    openssl req –new –key IntermediateCA.key –out IntermediateCA.csr
    4- Create IntermediateCA CSR

  5. Sign the Intermediate CA by the Root CA.
    openssl x509 –req –days 1000 –in IntermediateCA.csr –CA RootCA.crt –CAkey
    key – CAcreateserial –out IntermediateCA.crt
    6- Sign the IntermediateCA CSR using RootCA

  6. Generate Server certificate key
    openssl genrsa –out Server.key 2048
    8-ServerCert Key

  7. Generate Server certificate CSR.
    openssl req –new –key Server.key –out Server.csr
    9- Create Server Cert CSR
  8. Sign the Server Certificate CSR using the Intermediate CA.
    openssl x509 –req –days 1000 –in Server.csr –CA IntermediateCA.crt –CAkey
    key – set_serial 0101  –out Server.crt –sha1
    10- Sign the Server cert CSR using IntermediateCA

A. This is an add-on for Linux system, especially in cases where you will have to import the certificates in the cert store of Linux systems.

Copy the certificate in the trusted store in Linux:
   Root# cp *.crt  /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
Root# update-ca-certificates
7- Copy Root and IntermediateCA to the certificate store

To view the key or the certs or the csr generated as per the steps mentioned above use the command “ls”.
Root# ls -l
5- Verify keys certs csr created so far

C. Verify the certificate.
      openssl x509 –in Server.crt –noout –text | grep ‘host.local’

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